Thursday, August 26, 2010

My Father 100 Post - LOVE

Well I can't enter the contest because I am judging and impartiality has always been kinda hard for me, but I still wanted to write.

So I offer this purely for enjoyment's sake...

My Daughter

Your smile, rays of sunshine given flesh.

Your laugh, a sound of joy so pure, nothing on this earth can darken it.

Your hugs, the very embrace of the divine.

Your sense of humor, quirky and incredibly original.

Your respect, a treasure I desire never to lose or tarnish.

Your eyes, luminous windows to your soul.

Your unconditional love, a rock upon which I can set my back to fight any battle that comes our way.

Your compassion, as selfless as it is unending.

These my daughter are but a handful of the multitude of things I love about you.


  1. Very nice buddy. Beautiful ode to your daughter.

  2. What a touching tribute to your daughter. I had tears in my eyes.

    I wish every father would sit down and just think about what their children add to their lives. I would have loved to have received something like this from my dad. I would have cherished it my whole life.

  3. Thanks for the kind words Dr.S and SM.

    @SM, my wife suggested printing this out, framing it, and giving it to my daughter. I wasn't going to (I have never had a very high opinion of the elegance of my pen) but now that you have said almost the same exact thing perhaps I should. Thanks for commenting!

  4. wonderful to read. But wait til she's a teenager. Just saying. Good work, sir.

  5. What a great tribute to your daughter.

  6. Dude I love both my kids, but the father daughter relationship is incredibly, powerfully emotional. Nicely written, clearly heartfelt. Thank you.

  7. Thank you for the encouraging words, I really do appreciate them.
