Friday, August 27, 2010

Father Friday3 - Best of the Week from Blogger Dads.

Week three. Almost a month.

We increased our numbers last week which is good. Would like to see the numbers climb higher and higher.

This has been a busy week for me, getting the classroom all ready to receive eager new minds on Monday. Found time to write a bit, but not nearly as much as I would have liked. I am also depressed because, once more this year, my Phillies have suddenly forgot simple fundamentals like hitting and base running.

So I am counting on you dad and mom bloggers out there to give us your best from this week so I can cheer up in this, my last weekend before another school year starts. At  least for a little while before we play San Diego this week.

So...the rules...

 1. You need to be a father. New father, old father, soon to be father, want some day to be a father, father...doesn't matter. You just need to be a dad. (Or a really awesome mom!)

2. You must own and maintain your own blog.

3. If you meet the requirements for rules one and two, look back over your posts from the past week, from Friday to Friday. Re-read them all.

4. Choose the post you feel was your particular BEST for the week. It can be funny, helpful, sad, dramatic, deep, light...whatever. Pick the post that most reflects you and what your awesome blog has to offer.

5. Follow the host. That's me. It's quick and painless and I always follow back. (This part is optional, but oh so appreciated!)

6. Put your blog address and a short description of the post in the Linky link located below. Be short but concise. (You twitter!)

7. After you are on the list, surf the posts of the other dads and follow as many as you can. Read and above all else COMMENT! We all know that comments are to bloggers what a keg of Dear Park water is to a desert nomad.

8. Grab the code below, create a new post on your blog, and enter it so you can share the growing list with all your followers. Then just sit back and let it grow!

Don't forget to share the link to this post. Via Twitter, Email, IM, or carrier pigeon. The more moms and dad we can get to link up, the more we can influence our corner of the web for good, positive, humorous parenting.



  1. Nicely done. I ran Festival of the Fathers for 19 weeks and was never smart enough to do it this way. I like this, good job.
