Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Father 100 - Episode 3

Good evenin out there all you unbelievably amazing writers who also happen to be moms and dads. Worked off your labor day hangovers yet?

Well I have and I am ready for another round of posts of blogging awesomeness that we have come to know as The Father 100.

Last weeks word, forgiveness, got me many @mentions and direct messages inquiring about my sanity for choosing such a heavy and emotionally charged prompt. It was a tough one alright. I struggled for days with my own piece but I am glad we did it. If you haven't read the entries for forgiveness go here and read them now, powerful and well written stuff resides therein.

In the spirit of fairness, I offer up a much lighter, less gut wrenching prompt for this week. For the benefit of @TheDaddyYoDude I ALMOST went with the word turd...but I chickened out. So, without any further delay, I offer this week's Father 100 prompt and the rules.

The rules are simple. I will give you a word. Yes, that's right a word. As in one. Single. The cheese stands alone...you get the point.

You will have between now and midnight (EST) on Saturday to write a one hundred word post inspired by that word. Entries can be less than one hundred words, but they cannot be more. Posts must focus on some aspect of marriage or parenting. Even though I call this the Father 100, moms are encouraged to join us!

Ninety words? Cool.

Ninety-eight? Awesome.

One hundred two? Sorry chief.

One hundred words (or less).

Write your post on your blog and then add your link to the linky tools below, just like for Father Friday.

Sometime over the course of the weekend I will read all the entries. Then I will pick the entry that I feel best does justice to the spirit of the given word. Some weeks I will have a guest do the judging so I can play as well.

This exercise is strictly for fun and also for good writing practice. As of this time no prizes will be offered. Should I win the lottery or score a successful reality series (Real Dads of Delaware...can you see it?) that may change, but for now the chosen author will have to content himself with the prideful swell of a job well done.

I think this can be a lot of fun. Who is in?

This week's word is...


(Am I FORGIVEN now??)

1 comment:

  1. Laughter is infinitely better than turd, or forgiveness for that matter :)
