Monday, February 7, 2011

The Writers' Platform-Building Crusade or Should I Bring My Sword?

Community. A word that in some circles gets more overworked than Lyndsey Lohan's legal defense team and in others gets twisted and warped to mean things it was never intended to. Crusade. A word in the exact same boat.

I first started writing this blog a few years back simply because I enjoy writing. Always have. I thought it would just be a place to record my thoughts, write a story or two...just be an outlet to scratch the writing itch. I didn't tell many people what I was doing. I was a bit embarrassed at my own perceived pretentiousness of it, wondering if the world would demand of me what in the hell I thought was so important to say that I had the temerity to put it out on the Internet. And that, aside from some throat clearing, a few ahems and an um or two, I would have no reply.

I let my wife read of course, and a few close friends and family.

Then something strange happened. They began to share my musings with others. People began to tell me when I ran into them in the mall, or out at dinner, or in the gym that they really liked my blog. Some told me I should just run right out and get published, like it was as simple as running down to the DMV to renew a driver's license (how nice would THAT be?).

I enjoyed the comments and felt compelled to write more. I began to push my blog out of the dry dock I had it locked up in, out into the dangerous waters of Das Internets. Through this exposure I got more followers. I got asked to write for other web sites. A thought began to glimmer into life in the far out lands of my mind.

I knew I enjoyed writing. Were the folks who urged me to pursue this doing more than simply being nice? So I began to write even more. I have even found the tenacity to submit a piece or two. Yet I know I still have a lot to learn.

Which brings me back to community and the purpose of this post. Through the wondrous invention known as Twitter I found my way to the blog of Rachael Harrie. She is hosting an excellent chance for anyone from newbie writers and bloggers to established writers and everyone in between to come together, in the spirit of community, to learn from and support each other. It is exactly the kind of event and opportunity I have been looking for.

You can read all about the Writers' Platform-Building Crusade here.

I am excited about the opportunity to meet, interact with, and learn from other bloggers and writers. If you are so inclined, please join me.

I never thought of myself as the crusading type...who knew?


  1. Hey there fellow Crusader. Nice to meet you :)

  2. What a fun blog you have going on here. Excited to be a follower (I'm follower 99. So close to being number 100).

    Nice to meet you crusader.

  3. Thanks fellow crusaders! I will be checking you out later today.

  4. Hey, you have an awesome blog. I'm a fellow crusader and your newest follower. It is a great idea, isn't it--Rachael's Platform Building Crusade.

  5. Hi Crusader...stopping by to follow your blog. :-)

  6. Hey Brian, welcome on board the Crusade! It's lovely to meet you, and I love how you've come to realize that writing is for you :) Our little community is so wonderful, isn't it!


