Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Duck Defines Me - The Lie

I don't know why I chose the occasion of my first Crusader Blogging Challenge to write a fictionalized account of myself waking up on a mysterious beach and hallucinating a conversation with a duck. It just happened.

I am sure that says something about me, but I am not sure what. If you have an opinion, comments are open.

I got a lot of positive comments about my strange entry. Thanks to those of you who read and commented. Comments are to bloggers what crushing unions is to Tea Party funded governors (What? Too soon??).

So what was the lie? While it is true that The Peanut had a rabbit, we did NOT name him Mr. Creosote because, well, that would be gross. If you are unsure who Mr. Creosote is, check out the YouTube video below. Before you do, a word of caution. It is very, very...unsettling. If a staggeringly fat man who vomits...a lot...disturbs you, perhaps you should pass on the video.

The Peanut actually decided to name the rabbit Herbert Neddinger.

And no...that is NOT a lie.


  1. I LOVE that video! "Better? SO much better..." has been a running gag in my family since I was about 10.

  2. just the stuff on his shoulder is off-putting. I took you advice and decided to pass. On the crusades and stopping in to say hello.

  3. hahaha so gross.

    new follower from the crusade.

  4. lol. thats awesome.

    new follower! love the blog!

    follow me?!

  5. Hi fellow Crusader! Nice to meetcha, and thanks for the follow! Have a great week.

  6. That's ok, I'll pass on the video.

    I didn't get around to reading all the first challenge posts, but your's was delightful. I gotta say though, I would have liked pictures. Especially of the spotted hippo.

    Oddly, I'm having a Winnie-the-Pooh moment here :)


  7. Hi, crusader. Sorry I came to the lie challenge late. I read so many challenges, it's nice to hear about one with a twist.
