Monday, February 21, 2011

Crusade Challenge #1 - The Duck Defines Me

My entry for the first crusader challenge over at Rach Writes is finished. I had to introduce myself in 300 words or less within the following parameters. I had to tell one secret, one lie, one personal quirk, one annoying habit, one of my best character traits, and one of my most favorite things in the whole world. I also had to work in the inclusion of four words; bloviate, fuliguline, rabbit, and blade. It was a lot of fun to write. If you can find the lie, drop it in the comments section.

The Duck Defines Me

The first thing I became aware of was the sound of the waves as they fell upon the shore. Then the smell of salt on the breeze. I lifted my head, cracking open one gummy lidded eye, and winced as a blade of bright sunshine shut it tight. I opened the other eye and sat up.

A duck sat at my feet, which were mysteriously bare.

“Rough night,” it said. Not a question, a statement.

I blinked. “I…I don’t remember.”

The duck ruffled its feathers as it hopped over my leg. “What’s your name?”

Again, I blinked.

“I don’t remember that either,” I replied.

The duck snorted. It adjusted its feathers again and fixed me with a disconcerting fuliguline stare.

“Don’t remember huh? Well, let me have a go. From that dog-eared Neil Gaiman paperback in your pocket, I can tell you are the kind of guy who always wears cargo shorts just so you can have a book with you at all times. You won’t watch the show GLEE because you are afraid that if you do…you might like it too much. Your tendency to engage in bloviation when discussing things you care about is an annoyance to some. You named your daughter’s fat pet rabbit Mr. Creosote as an homage to Monty Python. You seem to be a pretty even-tempered guy, who always tries to see both sides of an issue. The only thing you love more than ample time to read or write is having time to spend with your wife and daughter. I’d say that about does it.”

“But…how did I get here?” I asked.

The duck shrugged its wings and turned back to the ocean.

“Beats me. Ask the spotted hippopotamus behind you.”


  1. The lie? The duck wouldn't be able to pronounce Creosote.

  2. LOL! Great job! You've got me on the lie, but I loved the read. I'm following you now. See you around.

  3. Michael & Happily...Thanks!

    Gary...well...if he can utter words such as tendency and annoyance, I think he could handle Creosote :-)

    Zan...thanks and Welcome!

  4. This is a wonderful post! I haven't the foggiest what the lie is.

  5. Ask the spotted hippo! Loved it. Nice to meet you fellow Crusader. Really enjoyed your Challenge piece. Still smiling.

  6. Hi, fellow crusader! Thanks for sharing your talent! I'm a new follower!

    ♥.•*¨ Elizabeth ¨*•.♥

  7. Thanks Elizabeth...I am a new follower of yours!

  8. I like your duck/Sherlock character. And as for your lie, I'll say I don't think you'd like 'Glee' too much if you ever sat down to watch it.

  9. Danette...thanks so much! Nah...that's actually my secret...LOL.

  10. Well I was going to say I bet you already watch Glee because of its awesomeness but I noticed your comment above...hmmm. I will say you don't actually wear cargo shorts for carrying books, you carry a man purse instead. ;)

  11. Great Challenge response, Brian! I'm going to guess (like me) that you're no longer on the Glee sidelines but have actually given in and started watching. I had the same mindset, but once my wife dove in I was hooked!

    Nice to meet you,


  12. What a creative entry! The most blatant lie is a duck talked to you...but if that isn't it, I'd say you didn't name the rabbit. My kids always want to name their own pets, so I'm betting yours would too.

    Thanks for the follow here and on Twitter! Looking forward to crusading with you :)

  13. I like it, not sure about the lie.
    Hello fellow Crusader!

  14. HA! Bonus points for the Monty Python reference! Though I would think you would have gone with Beast of Caerbannog... so I think that's the lie... still a Python homage, but different name...

  15. purse no...wouldn't mind a Jack Sack though.

    EJ...thanks man! No...not the Glee thing...I am still fervently resisting!

    Nicole...Thanks, same to you! We did name the rabbit...though not necessarily Mr. Creosote...

    Fraeya...thanks! Welcome!

    Hart...any person who throws back a Python reference is ok in my book! welcome!

  16. Hello fellow crusader! I am a tad bit late, the whole house has been sick all week. So, I just thought I would pop in and just say Hi! :D

    I bet you've seen GLEE at least once....but then again, I haven't so why should you? Maybe the Spotted Hippo is not behind you! :D

  17. I don't have a clue what the lie is... but maybe you don't actually own cargo shorts?! Or you secretly despise Neil Gaiman. Poor Neil.

  18. I think that not only do you watch Glee, but you love it. Great post.

  19. Lady...Hello to you! Sick house = NO FUN. Only seen snippets of Glee. I;m not sure if the hippo is there or not...afraid to look!

    Faith...NO!! Neil Gaiman is in my authors TOP FIVE!

    Lisa...Thanks!! I do not watch Glee...for the reason mentioned above...LOL...

  20. Awesome post! I'm going to say that you do watch Glee and love it (even somewhat reluctantly) like my husband does. Oops, let that one out of the bag.

  21. Ha! That was really good. I'll say Mr. Creasote is a lie. Either that's not his name, you didn't name him,'s not really a rabbit at all.


  22. Thanks Witless...nope...not Glee.

    Thanks Dan! You are correct...we did not name the rabbit after the large, disgusting, man who blows up.

  23. Awesome entry! You've made my short list! Loved the Monty Python reference and how you used bloviate and fugiline!

  24. Great post. I've never seen Glee. I don't know if I would fall victim to that one either. lol New follower and fellow crusader. Best wishes.

  25. Margo...thanks!! Any reference to Monty Python is a good thing!

    Regina...Thanks!! I've never seen it

  26. Very much enjoyed this post. Well done! :-)
