Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Glowing Beast in the Living Room

I was poking around some new blogs (new to me, not new to the world) and I came across an image I had to share. I found it at Cleverly Inked.Com. How awesome is this?

No, I am not anti-television. I just happen to be of the opinion that the old adage "everything in moderation" is especially true when it comes to the boob tube. I watch. My two favorite shows on television right now are Justified on FX and Bored To Death on HBO (yes, I realize the two shows could not be any more different but that's me...a study in contrasts). I love the History Channel and the Discovery Channel. And of course the idiot box brings my Philly sports teams right into my living room...where they often cut out my heart, stomp on it, and set fire to the pieces...but that's another blog post.

My wish is that the statistics generated from studies like this, and this, and this, and all of these were not true. Eight hours a day with the TV on? 



Read a book. Use your mind. Go for a walk. Crochet a quilt. Build a tree house. Go for a hike. Swim. Read a book. Plant a garden. Take up Bocce. Fly a kite. Mow the lawn. Read a book. Go fishing. Take up Geocaching. Play chess with an elderly person. Go see some excellent live theater. Take a sketch pad to the park and project 'trendy, starving artist'. Knock on a neighbor's door and surprise them with random conversation. Teach a child to skateboard. Have a child teach you to skateboard. Read a book...the list is endless.

I plan to make copies of this awesome picture to hang all over my classroom.

I am not suggesting we slay the beast know as the television, just that we don't have to let it hump our leg all the time.


  1. I've been contemplating an unplugged week at our house. I might have to print out this picture and tape it to our TV.

  2. Hello, there! Stopping bu via the blog hop. Nice blog. Its good to see a father encouraging reading.

    Have a great weekend.


  3. Will do Savy. You do the same.

  4. Just hopping by on following Friday! (Does this count on knocking on a strangers door and surprising them with conversation?) :-)

    I'm a brand new follower, and look forward to reading your posts! Happy Friday!

    Beach Wives' Diaries

  5. That last line is brilliant. Make that the title of your first book.

  6. @West Coast...thanks for stopping by! This would definitely count.

  7. @Nancy...thanks. It made me laugh when I wrote it. Should I ever write a book with that as the title, I will dedicate it to you. LOL

  8. That last line is priceless! Blogging and reading them is a little like TV addiction.

  9. I think that sign could be pasted on a few computer screens too. Including mine.

  10. @Cheryl...true...but reading IS reading. A justification? Perhaps...

  11. As my kids have grown up, I've always had limits on "screen time." Since I've been blogging, though, all of that's gone out the window. Fortunately, my kids are almost grown now, so they'll only have a year or two of mushy brain to deal with, haha.

    Thanks for linking up!

  12. Awesome shot! What a great reminder and push to do what we all know we should do more often -- turn it off!

  13. pleasure, thanks for checking us out!

    @MissRobin...I know, I love it. Thanks for the follow!

  14. As part of the TV generation there is that queston of balance between watching and doing something else. Outside of the cable channels you mentioned I experience the same 500 channels and nothing is on statement. But its really a big world out there either from your travels down the block or around the world. Even the book route is still a great choice too. I found your site from MRS 4444's post. She has a great blog.
