Thursday, July 22, 2010

An Award to Hang on My Fridge

Carly B from Writing From the Tub has graced us here at the Chalkboard with the Versatile Blogger Award. I attempted to track down the history of this award yet my efforts bore no fruit...just more time consumed surfing das internets.

This award comes with some rules and far be it from me to "refudiate" (thank you Sarah Palin) the rules so here goes.

Rule#1 - Thank the person crazy enough, I mean kind enough to bestow the award. Carly runs a great book blog with an awesome name. She posts great reviews and I have added a few books to my already substantially tall TBR pile. Go check her out. Thanks for the nod Carly!

Rule#2 - Share seven things about myself. This could be dangerous...

   1.  I am 36. There is life after thirty it seems, though for me it appears to be full of hernia operations and pain meds. And a slowly receding hairline...and now diabetes. But hey, whatever doesn't kill you makes your health insurance costs rise.

  2.  I am primarily Italian, Irish and Welsh. This means I am a bad tempered drunk who never rats on his friends and has a lovely singing voice.

  3.  My dream in life is to be a published writer. Don't need to be famous...just moderately successful. If fame should happen to get colossally drunk and look my way, well I won't kick her out of bed for eating crackers, but I would like to write something that could take people out of their worlds and into mine, for however short a time.

  4.I got a hernia from cleaning the bathtub. Yes...from cleaning. Not doing something masculine like re-grouting the tub, saving orphans from an out of control grease fire, or physically beating some sense into Mel Gibson. Nope.. Cleaning. Feel free to laugh at my expense.

  5.  I live in Delaware. **Insert joke about the size of Delaware here**

  6.  I like to take pictures. Now if I could only get the damn neighbors to drop the restraining order...

  7. I am blessed far more than I deserve with the love of a beautiful woman, a daughter who amazes me as much with her compassion as she does with her quirky sense of humor, a place to call home, a job I (mostly) love, and a family tree so full of nuts that Planters keeps trying to buy it from me.

Rule#3 - Pass the award onto fifteen bloggers I think are fantastic, amazing, and oh-so-groovy.

I hope you go visit these blogs because they are all excellent.

Well I have to go pack for four relaxing days at the beach. Thanks for visiting, feel free to comment below.


  1. Well thank you kind sir. It's very appreciated and so is the blog mention.

  2. Congrats on your award! I am new to your blog via the Hop, and have become a follower. :)

  3. Congrats!!

    Dropping by through Follow Friday. Already a follower. Just dropping by to wish you a great weekend!

    Missy @ Missy's Reads & Reviews

  4. Hi there, *waves* visiting in th spirit of the hop! Your blog is absolutely too cute <3 Sure to stop by some other time too! Happy Reading and have a great weekend! congrats on the award *confetti, marching band, banner girls*

    Take Care,
    Lisa (Badass Bookie)

  5. Wow, thanks! I really appreciate it!

    I won't even make fun of the way you got your hernia! :)

    (Really, thank you very much. :) )

  6. Thanks for this, I'm honored and in great company!

  7. I'm sure I'm No. 1 by virtue of alphabetizing and I'll take it.

    Thanks for the award.

  8. SERIOUSLY!?!?!?!? We are number 7 on your list of things about you!!! Don't worry I won't let The Peanut know where we rate. Love you more than seventh!

  9. @The Wife...Seriously?!? Are you unfamiliar with the phrase save the best for last? I am shocked and shaken...


  10. Happy Follow Friday! I am now a follower!

  11. Hey I'm just stopping by from the hop. Congrats on the award!

  12. Cleaning a bathtub is noble work. Don't let anyone tell you different. Now I will proceed to laugh at your expense...

    Thanks dude!!

  13. Thanks for the award. I apologize for not responding sooner, but we're expecting, so time isn't as much on our side as it once was. Nevertheless, great site, and your support is tremendously appreciated (even if I'm not the main reason you wake up every morning). :-)

  14. Thanks! **Now, Dear Google, what does Versatile mean?**
