Friday, July 9, 2010

Blog Hopping...Sharing the Love!

Got myself involved in another "Blog Hop" again this week. The concept works just like Twitter's Follow Friday. You surf around the blogs on the list, looking to meet and follow new folks and likewise, get followers in return.

The Blog Hop question of the week is about favorite authors, who mine are and why I designate them so. There is a running list of my favorite authors to your immediate left. I won't cover all of them here, just a few, in no particular order.

1. Lois Lowry. I put her on this list because I have really enjoyed most of what she has written but even if I didn't, she gets on the list for one book, The Giver. An absolutely amazing novel, my favorite of all time. I don't want to start talking about The Giver right now because once I get started, I cannot stop. If you wanna chat about The Giver, take it to the blog comments below and I will talk your ear off. Or I guess eyes would be the better word choice for this format...

2. Neil Gaiman. Why Neil? American Gods, Stardust, Coraline, The Graveyard Book, I have to keep going? Gaiman is a genius, who maintains a pretty awesome blog as well. A writer I would love to just sit down with over a beer and just talk writing.

3. Christopher Moore. I am not permitted to read a new Chris Moore book in bed when it comes out. My wife banishes me to the couch until I have finished it. Moore's books make me laugh out loud. Not a snort, a chuckle, or an amused smile. It's belly laugh type stuff we are talking about here.

4. JK Rowling. I have to include Rowling in my list. The reasons are numerous, as are the things I could say about the amazing world she has created. I just hope she takes us back there some day.

5. C.S. Lewis. My life long love of reading began in that wardrobe and the magical land it opened up into. I don't only enjoy Lewis' fiction, but I am a huge fan of his non fiction as well, primarily Surprised By Grace, Mere Christianity, and of course, The Screwtape Letters. I put G.K. Chesterton in that same category, my enjoyment of his fiction is equal to my enjoyment of his non fiction.

6. Stephen King. I read IT for the first time when I was in fifth grade and I have been hooked ever since. What I love most about King is the way he writes people. The characters he creates in his novels are so life like and believable one feels like they really know these people. He is the master...pure and simple.

Well...I have many other favorite authors but it is late and sleep keeps blurring the laptop keys in front of me so that means it is time for bed.

Pop down to the comments section...feel free to opine about my author list or create one of your own. An author discussion in the comments section would be awesome!

Happy reading folks!


  1. Hi! I'm visiting because of the hop! Great place. I'm a follower!

    I'll be hanging around a bit!

    VampAngel's Dilemma: To Read or Not To Read It? That is The Question

  2. found you through the hop and nice to meet a dad book blogger.

  3. You've got some great choices there. I loved The Giver, too. It's so creative and thought provoking. And to think it's a kids book! I found you through the Hop!

  4. Hi there! Just stopping by via the hop to say hello!

    I guess you wouldn't be surprised to know that most blogs I looked at today had J.K. Rowling as their favourite author! :)

    And the plot thickens...

  5. Visiting from over at the hop where your blog title really caught my attention. Nice to meet you, I've enjoyed visiting.

  6. I'm hopping and came across your blog. I love it! Really love it! Great list, btw. I don't kick my fiance out of bed for reading Christopher Moore because I'll end up reading it later as well and he'll have to listen to my giggles and then ask me which part I'm on.

  7. Hi! So nice to find your blog through Follow Friday, I was already a follower but it's nice to be back.
    Completely agree about Stephen King and Neil Gaiman - can't get enough of them, especially Stephen King.
    I'll be back soon and hope you have a lovely weekend.
    Carly x

  8. Great list. I still need to read Moore...I love what I keep hearing about his work, just haven't gotten around to it. And I haven't read King for years but keep meaning to get back to some of his classics as well as his newer stuff.

    Thanks for sharing your list. :)

  9. @Vampo...thanks for the follow. Love your blog.

    @5Monkeys...thanks for stopping by. Dad blogging is fun.

  10. @Chelle...thanks for stopping by. Your blog is awesome. I know The Giver is classified as YA but I always challenge adults to read it. I teach fifth grade and I do that novel with some of my kids. The conversations we have are amazing.

  11., not surprised at all. Hopped on over to your blog. It's great. thanks for the follow!

  12. @Petty...thanks for stopping by!

    @Becky...Moore rocks. thanks for popping in.

  13. @Carly...good to see you again. you do the same!

    @Okie...welcome! You will not regret reading Christopher Moore, but you may, like me, be forced to do it somewhere alone because of how loud you will laugh.

  14. Thank you so much for participating in the Blog Hop! Have a wonderful weekend. ♥ Parajunkee

  15. New follower from the hop. I love Neil Gaiman too!

  16. I had Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett for my choices actually. Good Omens, I love that book. Just dropping by from the hop.:)

  17. I'm visiting via the blog hop. I'm a new follower. Happy Friday. Pussreboots.

  18. Found your blog through Blog Hop/Follow Friday.

    Neil Gaimain is AMAZING. One of my favorite authors; I've dedicated my life to hunting down everything he's ever written...I may need a new life goal.

    I'm a new blogger/follower!


  19. Hi! I just found you through the Hop. I'm a big fan of Gaiman, Lowry, King, Lewis and Rowling as well. I've never read Christopher Moore. So many books, so little time ...

  20. @Mr. Monkey...I like unicorns...with cheese.
