Saturday, January 1, 2011

The New Years Resolution or Why I Happily Lie to Myself.

"To lose those ten pounds...or fifteen...or twenty...or fifty."

"To read more than just the spare magazines in my doctor's office."

"To be a better person by spending time with my annoying ____________ (fill in family members name)."

"To give more to charity and less to the guys at Saturday night poker."

"To stop stalking housewives shopping at the local mall in their pajama jeans."

"To learn a foreign language so I can understand the Independent Film Channel."

"To finally get that weird boil that keeps changing colors on my ass looked at."

"To read my Bible, Koran, Talmud, Satanic Scriptures, copy of The Wiccan Rede, Book of Mormon, or Whatever Athiests Choose to Read, from cover to cover (whichever applies)."

"To turn my back on the cult of Ronald the McDonald  and Burger the King and eat healthy...and whole wheat Pringles COUNT as healthy!"

Ah yes. The New Years Resolution. The yearly promise one makes's self. Some folks make lists the size of a Stephen King novella while others scoff and turn their nose up at the practice. Speaking for meself, I have always tried to jot down a few. Even managed to actually accomplish the occasional resolution, although this occurrence is about as rare as a Christine O'Donnell senate win.

My primary resolution for 2011 is to write...and write often. The fall is always so hard for me to find time to write. When a new school year begins and I have to take on an entirely new group of fifth graders my free time fades significantly. I hate it and I try to combat it but it is, as they say, what it is.

But writing is important to me. It is an enjoyable, stress relieving activity that, dammit, I just need to make more time for. So write I will...and write often I will (sorry to sound so Yoda like). I have some other ideas for the blog that are still fermenting. Whether they develop into a fine wine or an acidic mess will remain to be seen.

I would like to wish all who read this (all five of you) the happiest of New Years. May all your resolutions come true and your 2011 be epic.

Now, where did I put that YMCA application...


  1. You and I have similar resolutions. I've enjoyed your writing, glad it's coming back. Hope the other four people agree with me.

    Happy New Year

  2. An excellent resolution. That's mine too, along with going to the gym, and all those other lies I tell myself. Thanks for a funny post that caused me to chuckle.

  3. Thanks Lance! Me too!!

    My pleasure Biblio. We can break our resolutions together!

  4. I'm not much of a resolution person. This year I resolve to win the lottery, and raise my Alexa ranking. Seeing yours, you might want to make that one too. You are the first person I have seen with a worse ranking than mine.

    Thanks for making me smile! My comments are all in good fun! Actually, I like your blog, I read it on the Saturday Sampling.

  5. Happy New Year, Brian. I like your plan to write more. It probably doesn't burn too many calories, but it does keep you out of the mall.

  6. Emily...well, considering I had to google what Alexa was and the fact that I haven't posted since October, that's not very surprising, LOL.

    Mrs4444...I could write while I work out at the Y...maybe? Maybe not?

  7. I've got a few names I'd like to insert in Resolution #3.....

  8. Love your writing Brian! You always keep me wanting to check out more of your stuff! Happy to hear we might see more of it this year!

  9. Thanks Sandy! You keep reading, I'll keep writing.

    Diplo...don't we ALL??? The real question becomes, are we on any of THEIR lists?!?!?


  10. Enjoyed reading this, Brian! Thanks for sharing:) You are a great writer!

  11. I'm so happy you'll be writing more. I know how hard it is to block out time to do something you want to do. I enjoy reading your blog!

    My only promise to myself is also to write more and read more. These are two things I enjoy doing. (I stopped lying to myself years ago. Those extra pounds will never come off anyway.)
