Thursday, July 1, 2010

I'm a Bad Person...Turn Away Now!

I am a bad person.

We aren't talking Hannibal Lecter bad, Michael Vick bad, Mel Gibson bad, or even Tiger Woods bad, yet all the same, my personality suffers a major, embarrassing flaw. A flaw that reared its ragged head once more again today. If you hold me in high esteem I encourage you to turn off your computer now for you will never look at me the same way again. It's like finding out that Pee Wee Herman was a big pervert (yet different...very different) and never being able to enjoy Pee Wee's Playhouse ever again.

You staying? Well on...just don't say I didn't warn you.

On my way home from a stimulating morning teaching summer school math (no, two times seven is NOT nine) my phone buzzed to life with a text message from The Wife. She asked me if I could stop at the Acme on the way and pick up some flour. Since my diabetes diagnosis she has slowly stockpiled a small library of excellent recipes that won't shoot my blood sugar as high as Lindsey Lohan's last Saturday morning drug test. The Wife wanted to make a friendly fruit and cream desert and she needed me to pick up some all-purpose flour. I happily agreed.

I pulled into the parking lot, humming along with the radio, in a fine mood imagining the Splenda laced goodness that was soon to be mine. I killed the engine, hopped out into the beautiful July sunshine, and began the short walk to the front door. That's when I saw him. And the flaw within was revealed.

An octogenarian supermarket panhandler was set up at a little table strategically placed in front of the exit, eliciting money from every soul that exited the store. When I use the term panhandler I do not mean to imply homeless or derelict. No, this was a nicely dressed, clean, elderly dude asking every person who walked out to contribute to his cause. What cause? Beats me...I didn't even look. Nothing tweaks me more than being bothered by people looking for donations when all I am trying to do is get into and out of a store as quickly as possible. I don't care who it is or what they are asking for.

Girl Scouts, local little league, class fundraisers...they all turn me into Ebenezer Scrooge in an instant.

Is it so bad to want to do my shopping in peace and not be given dirty or disappointing looks when I happen to not have any money in my pockets or to not want to part with the paltry sums that might be in there?

I did my shopping, grabbed the flour, a few other items, and checked out. As I approached the automatic sliding doors that marked the exit, I did the deed I am most ashamed of...the one that qualifies me for Santa's naughty list for sure. I walked through the exit door and as I approached the table with the little old man and his bright red bucket, I whipped out my cell phone and began an immediate and hilarious conversation...with myself.

Yes, that's right. I engaged in a completely false conversation with the nothingness on the other end of my unconnected cell phone, complete with a few giggles and one outright guffaw. I maintained this bogus dialogue until I reached my car, where I politely told myself I would catch myself later. Then I fake ended my fake call, started the car, and drove home.

Go can say it. I am a bad, bad person.

But at least I'm not Britney Spears bad.


  1. I want to get a broken blue tooth so I can do just that. I'm as bad as you.

  2. I love it! I've been known to do that to avoid talking to those really annoying 'friends' that you don't actually want to have a real conversation with, because they never stop talking about the most obscure and mundane things... This post just made my day!

  3. the iPhone (I know you are a crackberry guy) has a great app that allows you to do even makes your phone ring & some of the apps will even hold a conversation with you!

  4. @Ashley...awesome! Glad I could make your day. Thanks for the comment.

    @Melody...actually I am a Palm Pre Plus guy, but that App sounds awesome!

  5. Ha! the old talking on the cell phone trick! I usually take a particularly circuitous route to the door, while pretending to see something interesting-over there...I'm such a coward. Cringe. Stopped by on the blog hop, became a follower. Another teacher! hope you will visit me;)

  6. Thanks Biblio! I am and I did. Dropped you a note about why you should buy a Kindle.

  7. @WM...don't encourage my bad behavior...


  8. I can't stand these "fundraisers" either. Although, I draw the line at the Girl Scouts and the Boy Scouts, simply because they sell yummy goodness. Otherwise, I do almost all I can to avoid their gaze. I have never gone so far as the fake cell phone call; but whatever works for you.

    Found you through the book blog hop. Glad to know you!

  9. @Leah...thanks for stopping by. Yes, the cookies do make it easier but I can't stand the glares of the hovering den mothers when I take a pass.

  10. You are not a bad person, but an inventive one. I wish I would have thought of talking to myself on my cell phone when I want to avoid panhandlers of any type. I'm like you, I want to avoid them all. Unfortunately, because of the GS, I turned into one when my daughters had to sell their cookies. I hated, I mean absolutely hated it.

    Thanks for this post. I don't feel so bad about avoiding panhandlers. I did crack up when you said you politely said you'd catch yourself later.

  11. I told WM...don't encourage my poor behavior...LOL.

  12. This sounds like something I might try. Sometimes I just want to go through a day without being bothered by strangers. It's funny. When I'm with my husband I never get approached. When I'm alone, people, mostly guys, ask me for all kinds of things: money, directions, medical advice about things I'd rather they didn't share. It's not that I'm afraid...I just get sick of being pestered.

  13. @Chelle...just be prepared for feelings of guilt if you do! LOL

  14. That does not make you a bad person. You would be a bad person if you had whacked him over the head with your cell phone. Of course, all those people behind you that you saved from being asked for a donation might consider you a hero. So, I guess even then you're not a bad person.

  15. Is that a little like passing the offertory basket at church (without adding any cash) with my head held high, hoping people assume that I just make my donations through Direct Deposit (which I do not)?

    Hoping you're not also a Civics teacher....haha

  16. Oh, you kill me with this. I do imaginary cell phone calls. I use the other door to avoid them. And, yet, I fear, that as my boys get older...I will become one of them.

  17. Chalkboard Dad - You are not Bad!
    You are my HERO!

    Wow! I never even thought of that solution. Creative, effective, empowering - it is everything that I need to defend myself as I run the gauntlet that leads in and out of every Saturday shopping venue. I am so jazzed - I am going shopping!

    (So glad you added this to the Saturday Sampling - I am now your newest fan and follower!)

  18. @Mrs.4444...actually I think it would be like filling out one of those little offering envelopes and then turning it in with absolutely no money in it. Either way, probably not the best of activities to be engaged in during church.

    @Nancy...sorry to admit it but I believe won't be long until it's MY turn to do it, except I will doing it eventually ourselves.

    BUT that doesn't make it right,

  19. @SHaron...glad I could help and spread my bad behavior! LOL

  20. The one that irritates me is the Salvation Army ringers. I don't mind that they ring or that they are at every single freaking store, but I'm not dropping change into every one that I pass. Hell I don't even carry enough change to warrant one drop let alone multiple ones. I love the cell phone idea - I'll stick that in my mental rolodex for the future.

  21. aw! i am sucker for those people because i've been there and am back there with my own kids, hawking popcorn. Its not a fun thing to do. So unless I have issue with the cause or truly no cash, I'll throw them a little something.
