Thursday, July 8, 2010

The DADvocate Project - A Guest Post by Kevin Metzger.

Happy Thursday everybody! I don't know about you but I think my daughter has shrunk a few inches from all the sweating she has been doing with this heat wave we are experiencing on the east coast. Two straight days of temps at 100. Humans were not meant to live in such conditions.

As I attempt to stay frosty, huddled around the cool, air conditioned air the way I would huddle around a camp fire on a chilly November evening, I am pleased to welcome my first ever guest blogger here at The Chalkboard.

His name is Kevin Metzger and he writes at two locations, My Spelling Sucks and the DADvocate project. After you read his post go check him out, he is good people.

Hello, I’m Kevin (@TheDADvocate) and I’d like to start off this post by thanking Brian here at Dad at the Chalkboard for giving me the opportunity to guest post on his site and providing me the opportunity to tell you, the readers, about The DADvocate Project.

The DADvocate project is founded on the belief that as culture, business, and society has changed so has the approach men are taking towards Fatherhood and family.  I believe there are quite a number of factors that contribute to this change and I wanted to put together a study to find out if my thoughts had any merit. As a result I have put together the largest privately conducted survey of dads ever undertaken.  Our goal is to survey 1000 dads and interview 100 of them to get a feel for the modern day dad.

If you are a dad then you'll want to participate by completing the survey. You may also want to sign up to be interviewed. If you do sign up to be interviewed then you'll be entered into a drawing for an Apple iPad to be held on August 1st.  The survey is 60 questions and takes about 20 minutes to complete but it's for a good cause. I also want to ensure that I will not be using or selling any personal data. All data will be aggregated and personal details will be removed. If you don't care to be interviewed you can also take the survey completely anonymously.
The DADvocate project is starting to gain momentum and you will want to be part. Here are some quotes from others who have participated in, and/or support the project.

"For me there are no TV role models for Dads out there right now. I can’t think of one Dad on TV or in movies that make me proud. Dad’s in the media are portrayed as morons or people who avoid time with their family. However, that is not the kind of Dad I am and also it is not the type of Dad that many of my friends are. The DADvocate project is looking to change that."

"Kevin is indeed the full embodiment of a DADvocate. Not only does Kevin advocate on behalf of fathers and positive fatherhood, but also advocates strongly on behalf of one of his daughters, Haley, who was born with Cerebral Palsy. Although Kevin is only doing what any terrific DADvocate would do, I have to say I really admire Kevin and his family for the incredible support and advocacy they show for their daughter."

"Kevin Metzger wants to answer a simple question: How are dads involved in their kids’ lives verses dads of previous generations?"

Robbin Cobb - High Velocity Radio show
"I really loved hearing about what Kevin's doing in the DADvocate project."

Stone Payton  - High Velocity Radio Show
"I loved talking about the whole DADvocate thing and in a lot of respects I'm a stay at home dad. Which is one of the reasons I chose an entrepreneurial path."

Chris Jordan - Comment on a post at
"I admire your work with the DADvocate project, and appreciate it more than you know - especially in the role I play here at home with my daughter. There really is an all new generation of dads out here and I'm glad that you're helping us find our voice. Keep up the great work! If there is anything I can do to help with that project, please don't hesitate to ask for my help."

If you’re a dad join as by taking part in the survey. If you’re not a dad share this with all the dad’s you know and encourage them to participate. 




  1. i think you and your guest writer may find this film interesting. it's a documentary made by an acquaintance of mine about Stay at Home Dads in Baltimore. check it out:

  2. I hope Kevin does get 1000 dads to reply to his survey. I am interested to hear the results. I hope he publishes it.

    Thanks, Brian, for introducing me to Kevin.

  3. That's a cool project. I look forward to seeing what comes of it. :)

  4. problem! I agree it will be interesting to see. do I.
