Thursday, August 13, 2009

Training Camp or I Should Have Been a Sports Photographer (maybe)

The Eagles new season begins today with a Pre-Season game against the New England mean Patriots. And while I will spend the first quarter nervous as hell that the Eagles ride on The Injury Express will continue, it will be GREAT to have football back on the big screen and screaming out of the surround system.

So, in anticipation of tonight's game, as I clean off the grill, check the beer supply, and spice up the salsa, I offer these shots from our trip up to training camp in Lehigh two weeks ago.

Enjoy and, if you are so inclined, click into the comments section and give me your predictions for the season.



  1. Cool pictures! Thanks for sharing! Looks like you were standing right behind McNabb in that first shot.

  2. @PHM...not right behind...but close!

  3. I anticipate your update to this post addressing the Eagles' signing of Michael Vick. I hear he comes with a little baggage [sarcasm]...

  4. Awwww...still better from the 2004 Super Bowl are we?? Settle down there Freddie Mitchell and Vomitin' Donovan, the Eagles will remain the perennial chokers they've always been while my Patriots return to glory behind the best quarterback who ever lived.

    By the way, how many innocent animals did your new back up QB kill while you were there?? You knock the Patriots for being cheaters (which is completely false by the way) yet you have no problem with a criminal like Mike Vick on your team. Hmmmm....

  5. @Film...true but all will be well.

  6. @DF...Better? Did you mean bitter? And no...I am season.

    The cheating is well documented, no matter how you try to deny it.

    No, I don't have a problem with Michael Vick being an Eagle. I believe when a man has served his time after committing a crime, he should be given the chance to get his life back. And this was my stance on Vick BEFORE the Eagles signed him.

  7. I so agree with you on Vick! I completely angered an animal rights guy at work the other day with that "he served his time" tack. I don't understand how people can be sooo pissed about Vick (and I don't condone what he did by far-we work with a dog rescue), yet put what he served time for ahead of Stallworth getting behind the wheel drunk and killing someone and only getting 30days time served. People are upset about his suspension? RUFKM? My money was on Philly or Oakland to take Vick from the start.

    Great pics, by the way!!

  8. @Janie...exactly...great minds think alike!

  9. Hey thanks for letting me know about Dad Blogs. I signed up on there today. Oh and BTW the eagles just got DANGEROUS with Vick! Give him a little time to get back into shape and he is going to be a HUGE weapon for them.

    Go Titans!

  10. Oh, is football rolling around again? Fall must be fast approaching.
    Great photos! I hope you enjoy the football season and screaming at the TV. I already hear my sisters . . .

  11. Nice pics. I am a Cowboys fan so I am sure you hate me too. I am ready to clean off the grill and knock back some cold ones too.

  12. @Otter...I don't hate all cockroach fans, just the cockroaches themselves...
