Thursday, July 2, 2009

I survived the Great Delaware Earthquake of 2009...and all I got was this lousy t-shirt.

No really.

We had an earthquake at around 9:45 this morning. I was tutoring a kid in math, talking about ratios and percents when the 95 year old building we were in shuddered from top to bottom, like it had been struck by a very large, fast moving truck. The shuddering of the building was accompanied by a low rumble, more felt than heard.

It did not last long, two seconds maybe. We all ran into the hall to find several other people. All were very confused. One secretary started calling maintenance guys to make sure one of them had not gotten blown up in some freak explosion. They were all fine, confused, but in possession of all the fingers and toes they had brought in to work with them.

Immediately people took to Twitter. In about 20 minutes it was posted there that we had felt a 2.8 magnitude earthquake. Now, before anyone in California or any other earthquake rich region begins to laugh at me, you have to realize that Delaware is not a place where earthquakes happen frequently. The last one we had, which was less than a 2.0, was back in 2005. The earth here is usually as still and quiet as a Britney Spears concert is loud and obnoxious (that was for you Erin). SO...while this would barely even register on your radar, Californians, for me it is a fairly big deal. Let me have my little earthshaking moment.

When your day begins with an earthquake, it generally should be looking up from that point on.

Got some good writing in today...1,073 words to be exact. Wanted to keep going but sleep keeps pulling me by the ear.

Heading to the beach tomorrow for several days of overcrowded fun. I hope to get much reading, writing, and beaching in.

If the earth will stop shaking us around, we should be in good shape!


  1. Woohoo Britney...Thanks Brian!!! LOL

    I did not feel the earth move like many others did...I got a text message from WDEL.

    Have fun at the beach!!!
