Sunday, June 28, 2009

God Help Me Now...

Well I did it.

I jumped in the water, clothes, shoes, and all (but I took enough time to place my Treo and my Ipod Touch a safe distance from the water because I love those two little machines).

I have been wanting to do it for 10 years, always putting it off for one lame excuse or another. Well tonight, I finally did it. I began to write a novel.

I do not know where it will go or how far it will take me. I don't know if anyone will ever read it or if it will sit in a trunk in my attic to be uncovered and dusted off by my grandchildren after I die.

But I have started it. It is no longer a should be doing. It is now an AM doing (I know that sentence is a grammatical travesty and I do apologize).

I will be using this blog, as well as my friends in my writer's group to keep me motivated. I know this is going to be a long, arduous journey. I feel like I have decided I want to see the Great Wall of China but have decided for some bizarre reason to WALK there...with no money...or treo...or Ipod. In other words, a long damn walk with a lot of obstacles in the way. But I am walking.

I will probably keep word and chapter counts updated here. Motivation for me, curiosity for my six readers.

I got in 1,553 words tonight...1st draft of chapter one.

Gotta run...the Great Wall of China is a long way away and I already have to pee.


  1. I'd be glad to read it when you're done. Godspeed!

  2. I am impressed ... and excited to read it!! Walk quickly :)

  3. All I can say is, its about time. I am so very proud of you,and I am so glad you are finally going to write your first novel,you noticed I said first, because I know this will be the first of many.

  4. Best of luck with your novel. You may very well have inspired me to remove the proverbial tarp from my own unfinished novel and jump back in. Maybe a big cannonball to make an impact...

  5. @Film...

    A cannonball may be just what the Dr. ordered.
