Sunday, March 13, 2011

Daylight Saving Time Once Again - With Bibles!

As today is the time of year to set the clocks ahead one hour in honor of Daylight Saving Time (Thanks Ben Franklin, for more summer time to be outside) I thought I would pull out a post on the topic written two years ago. Would love to have you opine in the comments. This post was originally written on March 9, 2009.


As we cruised up the highway on the 40 minute commute this morning, the wife and I were having a discussion concerning daylight saving time. It went something like this...

Wife: (yawn) I am really super tired this morning.

Me: Hrmm. (While driving and reading a Tweet on the phone at the same activity I don't recommend)

Wife: I said, I am really super tired this morning.

Me: (Putting the phone down and concentrating on the road before I plunge the three of us into a fiery death) Why is that?

Wife: Well the clock on the dash says that it is 7:00, but the internal clock in my body is telling me it is really 6:00 so I am pretty tired.

Me: (Pausing to digest the comment) What? That's crazy.

Wife: No, its not actually. It takes the body several days to adjust to the change of time when daylight savings time occurs. I saw it on Oprah once.

The phone beeps. I pick it up, new Tweets and an email coming in. Swerve to miss the car in front of me that was driving too slow. Heart rate increases. Put the phone back down, resolving not to pick it up again while behind the wheel.

Me: (slightly out of breath from my racing heart) That's silly. The clock said 10:00 when you fell asleep (You read correctly...10:00...PM...I know, right?) and 5:30 when you woke up...same as it always does.

Wife: Yeah but that was really going to sleep at 9:00 and getting up at 4:30, not 10:00 and 5:30.

Me: (Pausing once again while I try to get my head around this thought)'s still the exact same amount of time.

Wife: No, its's an hour earlier.

Me: But...its still the EXACT same amount of time.

At this point The Peanut, sitting in the booster seat in the back, breaks out in a rousing chorus of Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds. I am not sure if her knowledge and enjoyment of such a song borders on wisely broadening my daughter's horizons or just bad parenting...but it is the truth.

Me: Sweety, please sing a song that is not about mind altering drugs...we will be at preschool soon. (REALLY don't want that call)

The Peanut ignores me and continues her Beatles tribute. I guess there could be worse things.

Wife: It is not the same because my body...Peanut sweety, it's diamonds, not bibles...because my body is used to the time the way it was, not the way it now is.

Me: (Head reeling at this point) WHAT? Whatever time the clock tells you, that is what time it IS. I went to sleep at up at 6:05...that six hours felt like the six hours all the weeks before it. I don't understand this metaphysical trickery you are talking about. Six hours is six hours!

Peanut: Mommy, why does Lucy like diamonds? Are they like the diamonds you have on your ring?

Wife: Yes, sweety. Lucy just likes expensive jewlery. Brian, I really think more people would agree with me on this than they would with you.

Me: No way. Maybe it is a male/female thing. Most guys I know don't walk around whining about their "internal clocks" being messed up because of daylight savings time.

Wife: That's because most men aren't smart enough to know how to READ their internal clocks. Trust me. All normal people struggle with this when the time changes.

Peanut: Lucy in the sky with bibles...Lucy in the sky with bibles...

As you can see, our morning commutes are quite...interesting.

I would like to pose our morning's debate question to my readers out there. Which side of the fence do you live on?

Are you in my camp where the clock says what it says and you don't need to rely on tricky, mind/time bending excuses for why your body feels off?

Or are you in my wife's camp where your "internal clock" takes days or weeks to reset because it is now confused. (No wonder women can't program VCRs...kidding...mostly)

If you feel so inclined, drop me your opinion (along with any other comments or backyard BBQ recipes) in the comments section here.


  1. I saw it on Oprah once.

    See, you were arguing logic versus Oprah... you will lose that arguement no matter what your level of expertise or what science you have to back you up.

    I am squarely in your court regarding the amount of time being the same. But I remember from a scienctifical class where the biological clock takes a few more weeks to adjust... I think your wife has a point... just wished she had a better source than the Big O for confirmation of her opinion..!

  2. I definitely agree with your wife! First of all you lose an hour the first night and you're body knows it. But for the subsequent days your internal time clock knows that the sun is rising and setting at a different time while your schedule is staying the same. It's confusing (and tiring) until your body gets used to it. Google Circadian Rhythms!

  3. Mark...time is

    Joanne...I've read about that before. Don't know if I buy it.

  4. I'm tired. That's all I know. Internal Clock? Oprah? Who knows why?

  5. I took too many naps this weekend to tell. Felt pretty good today. There might be something to the sun rising and setting differently though.

  6. I am with you. Time is time. I hate when people, for weeks after the time change, say "but it's REALLY only 5 am." No, it's REALLY the time that it says on the clock. We've been doing this time change thing for a long time now, people, get used to it!
    (can you tell you hit a nerve? LOL)

  7. Do you want a solid argument for the "internal clock" deal? Come to my house... where my normally docile kids who sleep 12-13 hours are delirious and staying up WAY too late. One day and night here and you'll have all the proof you need. Going now. I can't see the screen very well with this darn eye twitching the way it is... down with Daylight Savings!

  8. First - I wish they (the governments) would just do away with it. However it is an excuse to move to Hawaii.
    Second - it is just like the small jet lag you get from flying from Chicago to New Jersey. The problem is time in Jersey not the time on the clock.
    Third - wow I have 3 points to make in a comment do I get points? I have concluded that the governments are doing this because during that missed hour the aliens do there abductions. I have posted about my alien abduction finding but since my readership is not too vast you probably didn't hear. Well now you know.
    OH put the damn texting/twitting screen down before that semi truck puts you down.

  9. Can I agree with both of you? I agree, if you sleep six hours you sleep six hours and your body is fine. But I think what time you think it is is psychological. So like, even if you got your same 10 hours, if you had to get up for work at 5:30 and your brain thought it was 4:30, you'd still be irritated. Just as if you went to bed an hour early one night nowhere near daylight savings time, you'd still be tired and cranky at 4:30 am. But I don't think your body is actually any worse off in the first scenario, just as it wouldn't be in the second. People just like to make excuses.

    <3 Gina Blechman
