Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Student Quote of the Day - Don't Ask Silly Questions

There are many things I love about being a teacher. In the interest of full disclosure, there are also some things about being a teacher that make me want to take up drinking as a full time hobby, but the good things FAR outweigh the bad.

One of the things I enjoy the most about my chosen profession is that I am surrounded by children. We all know, as Bill Cosby says, that kids say the darndest things. I have access to a daily comedy show all around me and I feel guilty, being the only one who gets to enjoy it. So I have decided to bring it to the Chalkboard.

No names of course, just the quotes, the nuggets of comedy that my kids toss out all the time, sometimes on purpose, like here, and other times completely unaware of how funny they are. Like today's quote.

The kids were working on a project today where they create an acrostic using the letters in their first name. One of my students needed a marker so he asked his neighbor.

His neighbor complied and tossed him a double sided Sharpie, with a wide tip at one end and a fine tip at the other. My student regarded the pen with a quizzical  look, uncapping both sides of the pen. He looked up.

"Hey," he said, tapping his classmate with one of the caps, "why does this pen have two sides?"

His classmate gave him the kind of look reserved for the terminally confused.

I love the reply...

"'s awesome!"


  1. The kid's right... Sharpies are awesome.

  2. I love Sharpies, but only the broad tipped ones. No use for those wimpy skinny ones. And btw -- I totally do not believe Case File #42, because no man I know would ever stop to ask for directions.

  3. That could have been a line right out of Napoleon Dynamite!

  4. Sounds like a good enough response to me! Sharpies are strangely awesome.

  5. Great answer to many of life's questions. I love it!

  6. What I wouldn't give to maintain a perspective like that for all of life's many conundrums.
