Tuesday, September 28, 2010

My Piece Wins an Award!

My writing piece that is, not my handgun.

And not my...well...anyway...moving on...

The "inventor of Geeky-Sexy" over at Velvet Verbosity runs a weekly contest where eager wordsmiths write a flash piece of a hundred words inspired by a one word prompt that she supplies.

(If you are thinking to yourself 'Gee, that sounds familiar' then yes, this is where I got the idea to start the Father 100. No it's NOT stealing. We prefer the term "creative borrowing".)

She took temporary leave of her senses  kindly singled out my entry entitled  A Choice  to be the winning selection for the week. I am very grateful and appreciative for the nod. I love to write and it always makes me feel all gummy bears and lollipops inside (ok...that sounded a lot less gay in my head) when people get enjoyment from my scribblings.

So thank you Ms. Velvet Verbosity!

I encourage you, unfailing reader, to go check out the other entries. If you have a blog...join in!

A Choice

He stands at the edge of the cliff, the exposed toes of his bare feet hinging out over the edge.

He visualizes the jump, feels the rush of the wind, hears its roar as he gives himself fully to the thrill of gravity’s pull, to the embrace of the jagged rocks below.

He sees the darkness.

Eternal peace.

Complete silence.

Oblivion’s beautiful nothingness.

He starts to lean forward, to set the end in motion.

He sees her face, a mask of sorrow, a single tear, and he draws back.

Turns away.

Love’s pull is greater, it seems, than despair’s fire.


  1. Congrats on the win. Nice piece, the writing I mean.

  2. Congrats on the award. You DO deserve it. That piece (not your gun, not your. . . umm) deserves it. It's haunting.
