Wednesday, August 25, 2010

When a Nobody Tries to be a Somebody (Scott Barry)


This is what happens when a tiny man gets a chip on his sloped shoulders and thinks he is more important than the game. It's bad enough that Greg Gibson blew Monday night's call. It is clearly obvious that Barry was still harboring quite a bit of kindergarten resentment against Ryan Howard. His body posture and the "intimidating glare" of his piggish little eyes at the first strike call spoke volumes to that.

But when he was asked to make the second call, and he hesitated just long enough to make eye contact with Howard before throwing his fist in the air, almost exulting in the call, you knew this hack was not even composed enough to call games at the high school level. Remember, this is the same genius who ejected RYAN ZIMMERMAN a few days before, a guy who had never once been ejected in his entire major league career. Perhaps Barry was bullied by a guy named Ryan in elementary school, who knows?

Something needs to be done in major league baseball about this ump specifically and MLB umpires in general. They are the most pompous, out of control, sycophantic group of officials in any major sport (with the possible exception of the World Cup refs), but that's another rant.

Scott "I really am a tough guy" Barry should get down on his knees and thank god that Polanco was able to stop Ryan Howard, normally the most laid back guy on the baseball diamond, next to Chase Utley that is. If Howard had not been restrained I think young Mr. Barry would still be picking turf out of his face.

Have a listen to the call by Scott Franzke and Larry Anderson, which I borrowed from one of my favorite Phillies blogs The Fightins.

Scott Barry is slated to be the second base ump for tonight's game. Should be interesting...

Larry Andersen hates Scott Barry by Mike Meech

Click HERE to see video of the whole mess on

And by the I the only Phillies fan who wonders on a daily basis why Franzke and Anderson are not in the TV booth in stead of TMac and Wheels?? I now do with Phillies games what I always do with Eagle games. I mute the TV guys (Yes you, Joe Buck) so I can hear the radio guys.

1 comment:

  1. Just a brutal series of calls, hard to to see Oswalt ground out in what would have been Howard's spot. How freaking great was Oswalt though. He went from midseason pick up to fan favorite with that game. First ball comes to him and he makes the play like he's been in Left for years.
